Monday, April 25, 2011

Walmart Inventory System Management

Walmart Inventory System

     Inventory management systems are the rule for such enterprises, but smaller businesses and vendors use them, too. The systems ensure customers always have enough of what they want and balance that goal against a retailer's financial need to maintain as little stock as possible. Mismanaged inventory means disappointed customers, too much cash tied up in warehouses and slower sales. Factors such as quicker production cycles, a proliferation of products, multi-national production contracts and the nature of the big-box store make them a necessity.

     Modern inventory management systems must have the ability to track sales and available inventory, communicate with suppliers in near real-time and receive and incorporate other data, such as seasonal demand. They also must be flexible, allowing for a merchant's intuition. And, they must tell a storeowner when it's time to reorder and how much to purchase.

     An inventory control system is a process for managing and locating objects or materials

     Modern inventory control systems often rely upon barcodes and RFID tags to provide automatic identification of inventory objects. In an academic study performed at Wal-Mart, RFID reduced Out of Stocks by 30 percent for products selling between 0.1 and 15 units a day. Inventory objects could include any kind of physical asset: merchandise, consumables, fixed assets, circulating tools, library books, or capital equipment. To record an inventory transaction, the system uses a barcode scanner or RFID reader to automatically identify the inventory object, and then collects additional information from the operators via fixed terminals (workstations), or mobile computers.\

It also Applies to lead time management. Reduce liabilities, and Supply and demand.

Some advantages are:

     First of all, Wal- Mart contains low priced goods. As a result, people can save their money because they can find many items cheaper in Wal-Mart than other supermarkets, especially; the basic needs for families such a sugar, soda, vegetables and fruit. For example, the box of Coca-Cola in Wal-Mart is 6.00 dollars but in other supermarkets are almost 7.00 dollars. In addition, because it is cheap, Wal-Mart is good for a big family. People can buy more quantities of their basic’s needs

     Second, Wal-Mart is convenient. People can find everything for their needs in Wal-Mart. Actually, American’s can find most of their basic needs such as milk, bread, fruit and vegetables or their secondary needs such as perfumes and watches in Wal-Mart because the branches of Wal-Mart are usually big. Also, they can find Wal-Mart in many cities and towns in America. That means Wal-Mart is available in big cities like New York, middle cities like Kansas City and small cities like Carbondale. As a result, people when move to another city because their change their work or their university, they can find big supermarket that contains their needs.

     Third, Wal-Mart has good services. For example, people can return any item that they bought. So if someone bought a vacuum and it was not appropriate for him or for her, he or she can return it. Also, Wal-Mart has enough parking.

     In conclusion, because Wal-Mart is convenient, has low prices and has good services, people should be happy when Wal-Mart decides to open more branches through the World,Walmartt does have a great beneficial advantage in business.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Websites Review

Based on the overall view of all of this website, the rank of the website according to my research :

    All of these websites are the e commerce implemented organization because they are doing their businesses through internet. The business that they are doing here is selling the reasonable price deal to users using internet.

    The strategy for all of this website are basically good. First, they let the user to see all the deal that they have, then the users will choose the deal and spread the website to their friend, then the users will do the payment online. By asking the user to spread their website with their friend through internet has bring a big opportunity for the website to let the other users from all over the world know about them. All websites also has the time counting functionality to let the users know how long the deal will still be available. The others functionality that all these websites offer is subscription to user’s email to let them about the new deal.
Besides that, the layout and interface for each websites are also good whether it is from their font size, the color mix, and the design.  

Compare and Contrast:

     The reason why I choose as the 1st rank is because they provides better functionality and interface for users than others. They have added another interface for user which is language selection. By using language selection, the users can choose which language they know well.
They also provide functionality for users to discuss with each other for particular promotion. By this functionality, users can easily interact with each other to talk about the particular promotion. and together have the other functionality which is registering to this website using their facebook account so that they don’t need to sign up and filling the form again and again. Some user sometimes will leave the website once they ask them to register by filling the form. By providing this functionality provides user a simplicity in becoming website’s member and bring opportunity for the organization from lossing their users and adding their member.

     Why I choose to be the last website? is basically a good website also. But compared to the others, has less functionality and interface for their users. In the other 3 websites, the users can subscribe according to their city so website will send the particular promotion from their city directly to their email. They can also see the promotion that are available in their city by choosing the city in the website while doesn’t offer this functionality.

Difficulties and Suggestion:

     The difficulties I found in all websites is the users need to scroll down and down again to see each deal even the deal that they don’t want to see. The users also cannot search for particular deal that they want (e.g. if they want to look for deal in food category). My suggestion in this problem is for each website to provides a list for all deals. This list should have a flexibility, example: user can choose which deal available in this date or the latest deal, oldest deal, category of the deal, etc. Once they choose, the list should show all the deals based on user’s requirements and once the users click on the particular deal, they will direct the users to see the complete page about information of the deal.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Old-economy Vs New-economy

Old-economy stand for  large and well-established companies that contirbute in more traditional industry area and have little investment or involvement in the technology industry. New-economy stocks are greatly involved in the technology area and the more successful companies are able to build value at obviously higher growth rates.

Old- and new-economy stocks vary not only in their business activities but also in the way they are valued by the market. Valuations of new-economy stocks have a tendency to see stronger stability, since their business models are not as stable as old-economy stocks. In the other words, old-economy stocks have a tendency to be valued based on more stable business models and less strong growth expectations.

Dell Inc, a great example for Digital Economy

Dell Inc was one of the first companies began using the Internet to expand their business. For Dell, online commerce was only the beginning, they started to view the ownership of information differently. They used Internet browsers to essentially provide information to they customers and suppliers to bringing them literally inside the business. Dell become a virtually integrated organization. In the other words an organization linked not by physical assets, but by information. By using the Internet to speed information from between companies, essentially eliminating inter-company boundaries, it would be possible to achieve precision and speed-to-market for products and services in ways that was not  possible before.